Package Deals

Package Deals … or … Ala Carte ?

Why a Package Deal from Abracadabra?

Smooth transitions, well-coordinated entertainment, no “We get the stage cuz we were here first” conflicts.
With everything from balloon arches/decorations to Disco and Stage shows,
our package deals will save you MONEY, TIME, and HEADACHES.

With one convenient call, you will be able to RELAX & ENJOY YOUR PARTY!

Our Packages are not pre-made.

Look at our list of “All Services” (in menu)
and let us know which ones you would like at your event!
If that service is available, we will work with you to get
you what you want. And the best news?!

The more you get, the more you spend!(HA HA)
(But you will pay less for each servivce…
and save a lot of money with our Packages!!)

What if I only want one or two of your services?

Ah, the ala carte option. NO PROBLEM!

We are always happy to help you to create the best party possible! Just let us know how we can help